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 Pink out for Planned Parenthood, CC

February 10, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — I was scrolling through my twitter feed this morning and came across Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards tweeting about healthcare. 

In case anyone doesn’t know, Planned Parenthood runs America’s largest abortion chain and is responsible for taking the lives of about 300,000 pre-born babies annually. (And in case you didn’t know, the claim that “abortion is only 3 percent of what they do” has been debunked ad nauseam).

Well, Richards was tweeting about healthcare being a right for everyone.

But in Richards’ parallel universe, if you come from your mother’s womb, you’re not entitled to healthcare because you’re not actually human yet. 

In fact, the only thing Planned Parenthood will give you as a pre-born human in your mother’s womb is an injection of poison, a pair of forceps wrapped around your skull, or a vacuum tube piercing your side to suck you into a jar.  

Don’t believe me? Watch what this doctor has to say who performed 1,200 abortions before he woke up to the horror of what doctors at Planned Parenthood do for a living every day. 

I just had to respond to Richards’ hypocrisy: 

Here’s another twisted tweet from Planned Parenthood that Richards retweeted because it fits with her parallel universe where babies coming from humans are not really humans deserving of rights. 

I just had to respond to the obvious lie: 

Women, you are supposed to be smart today. You should wake up and realize how Planned Parenthood is literally using you to make a fortune while destroying your children, ripping them away from your arms, your heart, your love. My heart breaks for women who have lost children to abortion. I would be less of a man if I stood by and didn’t say what I know to be true.

Truth is that Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest violators of human rights, especially the right to life. All their talk about fighting for women and women’s rights is just a screen so they can make money doing what they love doing best – killing babies. 

Planned Parenthood is simply the most efficient baby-killing machine that has ever been invented. It’s time for everyone, especially women, to realize this. Such an evil machine should never be supported, and it certainly should not be funded by tax dollars. It’s time to abort Planned Parenthood, for good. 

Note: You can follow @PeteBaklinski on Twitter.

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Pete Baklinski is Director of Communications for Campaign Life Coalition, a Canadian pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings, from the time of conception to natural death. He has a B.A. in liberal arts from Thomas Aquinas College and a masters in theology (STM) from the International Theological Institute.