Bearing in mind my previous post, “Inside story on Komen split from Planned Parenthood,” read these excerpts from the February 1 New York Times piece, “Uproar as breast cancer group ends partnership with Planned Parenthood”:
When the nation’s largest breast cancer advocacy organization considered in October cutting off most of its financial support to the nation’s largest abortion provider, the breast cancer group was hoping for a quiet end to an increasingly controversial partnership.
Instead, the organization, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation, is now engulfed in a controversy that threatens to undermine one of the most successful advocacy campaigns….
Dawn Laguens, an executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said… she had no sympathy for Komen’s attempt to mollify donors by ending its relationship with a controversial provider of women’s health services…. “I think it’s particularly curious that they wanted to quietly put this decision out there.”
News of Komen’s decision galvanized many of Planned Parenthood’s supporters. The organization had collected $400,000 in donations by mid-afternoon on Wednesday and hoped the flow would continue long enough to replace Komen’s entire annual grants of $700,000….
“Why are they going nuts?” Mr. [SGK board member John] Raffaelli asked rhetorically. “And the answer is that they want to raise money, and they’re doing it at the expense of a humanitarian organization that shares their goals and has given them millions of dollars over the years.”
Planned Parenthood certainly didn’t have to go this route. It could have taken Komen’s cue and not said anything, issuing an ambiguous “we-love-each-other-but-are-seeking-different-paths” statement when Komen’s defunding was noticed. Komen tried to let Planned Parenthood save face.
But breast cancer screening is Planned Parenthood’s best PR weapon to attract private funding, protect government funding, and detract from its abortion business. It couldn’t simply let Komen go. It had to go on the offensive. And it had to try to stop other foundations from following SGK’s suit.
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If you hadn’t figured out before yesterday how ruthless Planned Parenthood is, it should be clear today. When crossed, PP takes no prisoners and holds no loyalty for past favors and friendships.
I’m sure SGK founder Nancy Brinker rues the day SGK ever decided to partner with Planned Parenthood, which was only six years ago. Don’t forget, Brinker was a Planned Parenthood supporter. In 1996 Planned Parenthood of North Texas gave her the Gertrude Shelburne Humanitarian Award, and as recently as 2011 she sat on that affiliate’s advisory council….
Planned Parenthood’s well-funded PR machine has been plotting to bring Komen to its knees since it learned it was being cut loose in mid-December.
By the time Planned Parenthood leaked the story to the Associated Press it had its petition drive good to go (in case you didn’t know, petition drives are usually mere fronts to get contact information of potential supporters), a special donations icon on its home page, emails (see right – note “BREAKING NEWS,” which Planned Parenthood itself broke after knowing the news for six weeks), and friends in the press lined up to echo its talking points. (Ha. Cecile’s line in her interview last night with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, “We’re really hoping this this is something that the Komen Foundation will rethink,” reminds me of the Godfather’s “We’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse.”)…
Reprinted with permission from