Pro-life activist Lynn Mills was sidewalk counseling February 9 at WomanCare of Livonia, in Livonia, Michigan, when late-term abortionist Theodore Roumell backed his car out of the parking lot, pulled up next to Lynn on the wrong side of the road, opened his door in an attempt to hit her – adding, “Excuse me,” with a laugh – then peeled off.
When Lynn followed Roumell, he attempted to sideswipe her as he pulled out on to the highway.
The incident was caught on video…
Yesterday Lynn filed assault charges against Roumell.
On August 31, 2010, a mother sued Roumell and fellow late-term abortionist Alberto Hodari after a botched abortion resulted in a hysterectomy. Roumell rushed the abortion of the mother’s 19-wk-old baby, who had Down syndrome, attempting to complete it before her cervix was pliable. He got all baby parts out but the head. When she began bleeding profusely, she was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where it was determined her uterus and left ovary had been so damaged they had to be removed.
[Thanks to Andy Moore of Star Studded Super Step for video editing]
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