

Moments after I found out that Kermit Gosnell was convicted on 3 of 4 counts of murdering babies, I received a phone call that my sister's water had broken, she had gone into labour.

My sister and I are very close. I was present at the birth of her first child, and now her second was on its way. So this was a very exciting time for me. 

I rushed to the hospital, then sat waiting for the moment when her little one would arrive. Would it be a baby boy? Would it be a baby girl? 

Baby boy. Baby girl. 

Suddenly I thought of Baby A. Baby C. Baby D. The babies that Gosnell was convicted of murdering.

I thought of the other victims. Baby B was stabbed in the back of the neck. 

Baby E who “uttered a noise before being killed.” Gosnell was found “not guilty” of Baby E's murder because “Jurors could not determine conclusively that such a sound represented a sign of life.

Then the baby, my sister's second son, arrived and ushered my thoughts to the present moment. 

Her new baby boy was tenderly washed, wrapped in a blanket, a little knit hat was placed on his head, and then he was gently placed into his mother's arms. He was instantly given a name. He was instantly loved. 

Only later was I again struck by the realization that, as Dr. Philip G. Ney so eloquently explained, “wantedness has become the arbiter of life and death.” My nephew's life is protected, his existence respected, because he is wanted.  Not so for Babies A, B, C, D, E and hundreds of others. Gosnell's victims. They were unwanted, so in a bloodstained room, they were murdered with dirty surgical instruments, or flushed down the toilet, or smothered. 

Not to mention the millions of children aborted every year all over the world.

Gosnell and his victims weigh heavy on my mind, on my heart. As do the countless other unnamed victims of abortion.

But my sister's son has brought me comfort, he's given me hope. His birth brings to mind another baby boy that was born in order that He should die for the salvation of mankind, Who was resurrected, and Who will bring life everlasting. 

 “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5 

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