Rush Limbaugh at his best, telling media who are angry over the Casey Anthony verdict, “just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you’ll feel better.” Via Real Clear Politics:
“You know, what I don’t understand about it is they’re [the media] all card-carrying liberals. When does the death of a child bother them? I’ve never seen them get so upset over the death of a child,” Rush Limbaugh said about the Casey Anthony verdict in his monologue on Wednesday.
“If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She’d be a hero. And folks, I don’t think that is a cliche to say. And I don’t think it is as cheap attempt at humor. I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear—one of the reasons it is uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it,” Limbaugh added. …
“You people in the media, if you really, really think she is guilty and you want to feel better about this just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you’ll feel better.”
“Abortion is brutal, [it’s] never characterized that way and the reason it is brutal is because there is an element of truth of it. I just wanted to put it out there. Pure and simple, nothing more.”