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Saskatchewan Premier Scott MoeYouTube/Screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) – If there were an archetype or a Platonic form of the quintessential Canadian “conservative” politician, it would be Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe. More than perhaps any other feckless conservative leader in the nation, Moe represents the spineless lack of principles that has dominated the conservative political scene for years.

The argument could be made that Alberta’s Jason Kenney and Ontario’s Doug Ford are just as bad – I won’t fight you on that! But Doug Ford has never pretended that he would grant the plebians he dictates to any modicum of real liberty, and Jason Kenney – for all his flip-flops – has not stoked hatred of the unvaccinated as strongly as Moe.

Like Alberta, Saskatchewan lifted virtually all of its restrictions for the summer, only to bring the hammer down again in the fall. However, the difference between Alberta and Saskatchewan is that Jason Kenney’s regime presented its flip-flop as a sort of mea culpa, saying it was wrong to be so brazen with allowing Albertans to live like free and sovereign human beings.

Saskatchewan’s Scott Moe, on the other hand, decided to blame the unvaccinated for the downfall of civilization in the Potash province. As “cases” were rising with advent of cool weather – as they have likely done with all respiratory illnesses since Adam and Eve were eschewed from Eden – Moe went on a tirade against the province’s unvaxxed masses.

The province had been “too patient,” he proclaimed, and the darn refuseniks were to blame for the presence of illness in the region. And “that patience [had] come to an end.”

Because of the unvaccinated, lockdown measures were back in play, and he reiterated that “the choice to not get vaccinated is creating consequences for others and I would say very soon it is going to create consequences for those who have made the decision to remain unvaccinated.”

There is nothing like a veiled threat from a political leader to really fire up the discriminatory feelings in a province.

He went on to cement the notion that the new “wave” was driven by “those that have made the choice to remain unvaccinated.” He, of course, did not provide any evidence for his claims – but, hey, he is the leader of over a million people; it isn’t like he is supposed to make evidence-based decisions that segregate the population … right?

Oh, and he said the unvaxxed were hurting children. Perhaps he meant to say the vaccines are hurting children.

After whipping the province into an anti-anti-vaxxer frenzy, Moe said Tuesday that the  “stigmatizing of the unvaccinated” needs to end.

Amazing, the man who largely initiated the abuse of those who simply held different medical opinions is worried that after a clarion call for public frustration about the unvaccinated that the population has in turn become too impatient with them.

The apparent change of heart came after Moe had a “good, productive talk” with a Saskatchewan-based group called Unified Grassroots that has publicly challenged the unconstitutional segregation measures. An unhinged Marxist, also known as NDP opposition leader Ryan Meili, has said that Moe speaking with someone who believes in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is evidence of playing footsies with a “radical extremist group.”

This “radical extremist group” harbors such far right and fascist values as promoting love and unity.

Now, some might be tempted to believe that Moe has suddenly remembered that he was born with a conscience, and that perhaps the approaching holiday that turned Scrooge and The Grinch into decent chaps is softening his anti-anti-vax heart – this would be a mistake, in my opinion.

There is an ancient fable about a scorpion and a frog. To summarize, the scorpion needs a lift across a pond and asks the frog to oblige. The frog is worried he will be stung to death by the predatory scorpion, who in turn ensures the amphibian that he would not do so something so foolish, as both would drown if he were to jab (pun intended) him while on the open water.

Well, after feeling the burn of venom in his back on route to the other side of the shore, both the frog and the scorpion drowned to death. The moral of the story? A scorpion can only be a scorpion.

Canadian conservative leaders like Moe have proved that they can only be a politician.

This doesn’t mean that Moe might not actually be trying to turn down the segregation rhetoric in his province, and from a political perspective he might be switching gears. But do not believe it is because he cares about the segregated unvaxxed class.

Saskatchewan may not be known for oil and gas like its cowboy-cultured neighbor, but Moe should receive an honorary Ph.D. in gaslighting.

If I were a betting man, I would wager that his handlers have informed him that the predicted phenomenon of fully-jabbed patients being diagnosed with COVID is likely coming home to roost in Saskatchewan in large numbers, as it has in other provinces. If anything, he sees the lockdown narrative falling apart around the world, and I think he is done with his trial run as a small-time National Socialist.

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Kennedy Hall is an Ontario based journalist for LifeSiteNews. He is married with children and has a deep love for literature and political philosophy. He is the author of Terror of Demons: Reclaiming Traditional Catholic Masculinity, a non-fiction released by TAN books, and Lockdown with the Devil, a fiction released by Our Lady of Victory Press. He writes frequently for Crisis Magazine, Catholic Family News, and is on the editorial board at OnePeterFive.

