(LifeSiteNews) — Twenty-four-year-old Cameron Downing may be a vicious, misogynist trans activist – but he is also a good poster child for the Scottish National Party, which he served as “equalities officer” for the London branch in 2021 and again since August 2022. The U.K. government defines an “equalities officer” as someone who “makes sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.”
In Downing’s case, this included posting online that he wanted to “beat the f***” out” of women who oppose transgender ideology.
Downing, who delusionally identifies as “non-binary” and demands that he be referred to by “he/they” pronouns, has now been labeled a “dangerous individual whose predatory and manipulative behaviour has inflicted unimaginable trauma.” The trans-identifying predator and former drama student had, it turns out, targeted six female and male victims in the Glasgow, Falkirk, and Edinburgh areas between 2016 and 2023. In one instance, he “blackmailed a young man into maintaining a sexual relationship by threatening to falsely accuse him of rape.”
On July 16, Judge Alison Stirling handed Downing a sentence of nine years’ jail time for 10 charges against seven people, including assault, sexual assault, and domestic abuse. Stirling excoriated him during sentencing, detailing his crimes and noting that he was “convicted of sexually assaulting four other people who were your friends, three of them young women and one of them a young man. You were convicted of physically assaulting four young women who were your friends, two of them to their injury.”
Throughout the trial, Downing insisted that he was not guilty, and he was merely dealing with complicated mental health issues. Defence attorney Michael Meehan actually attempted to claim that Downing still suffered from hearing “homophobic and derogatory remarks” while in school despite the fact that Downing identifies as non-binary and exhibits the behavior of a violent bisexual predator. The judge, fortunately, didn’t buy it.
Stirling went on to inform Downing that despite his attempts to deny guilt, assessments indicated that he was a high risk for future sexual assaults, and that he had scored high “in areas including hostility towards women, lack of concern for others, sexual preoccupation and deviant sexual preference. You have been assessed as being at a high risk of sexual reoffending. You have relationship deficits and have been manipulative as well as showing a callous disregard within your friendship groups.”
Downing has been permanently added to the sex offender’s registry.
It is worth asking: Was there any indication that Downing – who held a formal and public role in the governing Scottish National Party – had such violent tendencies? The answer is a clear yes – but because Downing identified on the LGBT spectrum, he felt entitled to declare his desire for violence openly. In 2022, he tweeted that he wanted to “beat the f*** out of some terfs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and transphobes.” Further, he wrote online that: “I f****** hate terfs and transphobes with such a passion they make me want to scream!” J.K. Rowling drew attention to his comments, noting, “Nicola Sturgeon’s Scotland: A place where an equalities officer feels free to declare in public how much he wants to beat up non-compliant women.” The SNP apologized, and Downing resigned as equalities convener.
Joanna Cherry, a former SNP MP who clashed with her colleagues over women’s rights, responded to Downing’s conviction with a scathing indictment of her former party’s record: “This man was feted within the SNP while those of us who complained about his violent threats against women were demonised. For years, the leadership have turned a blind eye to men abusing non-compliant women. This culture must change.” In short, a man identifying as non-binary could say awful things about women; women who complained were told to shut up.
In fact, it has now been reported that Downing also accessed services at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre while he was engaged in his spree of sexual assaults. “That a male sexual predator was able to access the services of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre should beggar belief, but, of course, it doesn’t,” J.K. Rowling noted. “ERCC is still run by the trans-identified male who believes women who want single-sex services are bigots.” The ERCC, which permits men like Downing into once female-only spaces, has yet to comment on the matter, but it was, in all likelihood, the scandals caused by predatory, trans-identified men in female spaces that cost Sturgeon her career.
Why did everyone miss the warning signs of a violent sexual predator openly declaring his desire to assault women online? Because he identified as LGBT, and the women he wanted to violate were the wrong kind of women – women who refuse to accept transgender ideology. The Scottish National Party should be appalled at what they have enabled, but I suspect they have no shame.