This past summer I wrote about a very serious problem in the Catholic Church that is still far from having been resolved, although there has been some progress.
That is, there are still very many actively homosexual and homosexual friendly clergy (from the lowest ranks to cardinals), religious and staff in numerous Church related offices and organizations in the developed World and in other nations such as Columbia. These people of the 50s and 60s revolution in the Church, some heavily influenced by Marxist thought, have played and are still playing a large role in most of the dreadful corruptions and dissent that have been plaguing the Church these past 50 or more years.
This was brought to mind again by Tuesday’s report on the Archbishop of Westminster’s long overdue decision to rescind permission for the notorious pro-homosexual Soho masses.
Whether this ends the scandal of this group continuing to use the Catholic Church and its sacraments to gain credibility for their anti-Christian morality and social engineering agenda remains to be seen. However, it does publicize what is a common, still on-going scandal in far too many Catholic dioceses in especially the developed world and which has gradually been exported to developing nations.
The scandal is that many bishops have been refusing to use their authority to take action against these decades’ long, in-your-face challenges to Catholic moral principles, despite constant appeals and complaints, with much solid evidence given by faithful Catholics. The groups have seemed to be untouchable, despite their blatant dissent, although there has been some progress.
Until these homosexual “masses” under the name of Dignity and gay friendly groups, activities, Catholic school programs and Parents of Gays and Lesbians organizations, etc, are strongly and publicly repudiated and halted by Bishops everywhere they exist, there is no hope, in my opinion, that Church opposition to same-sex “marriage” can be effective. That certainly has been the experience so far because many who are pushing the destruction of natural family life are well aware of this Achilles heel within the Church.
It therefore has to be dealt with – urgently and forcefully. Pope Benedict has been trying to show the way.
Click “like” if you want to defend true marriage.
It does not take too much investigation to determine at least the current existence of gay friendly anti-Catholic, Catholic parishes.
New Ways Ministry, publishes an extensive list.
Dignity USA has a map of at least some of its chapters in Arizona : California : Colorado : District Of Columbia : Florida : Hawaii : Illinois : Indiana : Massachusetts : Michigan : Minnesota : New Jersey : New Mexico : New York : Ohio : Pennsylvania : Texas : Virginia : Washington : Wisconsin
Dignity Canada also has a website and list of chapters.
Those lists do not remotely include numerous other dissident gay friendly parishes throughout North America and elsewhere without official homosexual organization chapters so as not to let their existence be too uncomfortably known. For instance, There is the very prominent St Francis Xavier parish in New York city that has a regular contingent in the Gay Pride parade and there is the St. Joseph’s Church bulletin announcement in Ottawa, Canada.
But these are only a sliver of the full extent of the problem. There are also the hugely gay supportive and large, well-funded and politically powerful Catholic teachers’ unions.
Then there are the many orders and Catholic universities that reject most Catholic moral teaching, but especially the Church’s teaching against the acceptance of homosexual behaviour.
And then there are all the individuals in authority who skillfully keep their totally unrepentant immoral life and homosexual network (called the Lavender Mafia by some because of their bullying and other harsh treatment of outspokenly faithful bishops, priests and laity) well hidden from ordinary Catholics who trustingly think the world of most of them.
It is very good news to see more bishops coming out with very strong statements against homosexual “marriage” these days with the latest being in England. However, if they do not also take strong actions to rid the clergy, religious orders and Church institutions of their substantial gay subculture and its supporters (where it exists), I can’t see their efforts succeeding.
It appears that Archbishop Nichols has done a good thing. He should be congratulated. However, he has only scratched the surface of a far larger problem that is well known to exist in his diocese and in most of England. That is the homosexual and otherwise very dissenting sexual culture that has ruled within much of the Catholic Church in England for decades and crippled efforts to restore a culture of life and family to England.
It is time now. Time because there is very little time left. There must be more action now or a rapidly greater persecution and decline of faith will cause great damage to England.
It is also time for the rest of Europe that suffers from the same problem and for most of North America.
This is a crucial element for the struggle to restore a culture of life and family to these nations. Most do not realize how crucial it is.
When the various Christian churches, not just the Catholics, are largely cleansed of this rejection of authentic Christian morality, then a power of faith will be unleashed that nothing can stop. That is, people’s eyes and hearts will be opened to such a widespread extent that the liars, manipulators and exploiters will no longer be believed and followed.
Then we rebuild. But first priority must be given to putting our own families and churches in order. The rest will take care of itself.