(LifeSiteNews) — Drew Mason is back for another episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. You may remember him as the managing partner of St. Joseph Partners, who also speaks frequently on the importance of prayer and fasting.
Today, we discuss the spiritual war that has been declared on the United States and the Catholic Church, with Mason explaining the best ways to respond to the severity of our political, economic, and ecclesiastical situation.
Citing Our Lady of Medjugorje on the breakout of spiritual war, Mason says that Satan is carrying out a “very ambitious plan” to “infiltrate, in the case of America, every layer of government, of our regulations, whether it’s the federal government, the states, the local government.”
“You look at their actions and you say, ‘It doesn’t make any sense what they’re doing. Every decision they’re making seems absurd,’ unless you look at their decisions through the prism of, ‘They have been bribed by our enemies to do what is most opportunistic to destroy the country.’ And then suddenly everything they’re doing makes perfect sense,” he continues.
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This spiritual war is taking place in the highest levels of the Church hierarchy as well. Although this may be a “discouraging” reality, Mason points out that we have two powerful weapons at our disposal: prayer and fasting.
Following Our Lady, Mason recommends twice-a-week fasting on bread and water, specifically Wednesdays and Fridays. “When believers have fasted in the past, great things have happened,” he says. But if you feel called to go above and beyond, fast six days a week — in addition to bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, eat one full meal on all other days except Sundays.
“(E)very day believers will then be on the offensive,” Mason says.
As far as the financial world goes, Mason states that gold recently reached an all-time high (roughly $2,400) and many nations have been buying more of it. He predicts that gold will eventually go much higher, perhaps as high as $50,000.
“We are likely moving into a period where inflation is persistent, and in periods of inflation, higher levels of gold are warranted,” he says. “It allows investors to get wealth outside the financial system, because when you have physical gold in your hands, you don’t need someone else … to provide you with the capital to do what you want.”
For all this and more from Drew Mason, tune in to this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. And be sure to head over to the St. Joseph Partners website for all of your precious metals needs.
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