(LifeSiteNews) — Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and marches. And in the midst of it all, the Church in her liturgy gives us today the feast of little St. Agnes, virgin and martyr.
A girl of only 12 or 13, Agnes was murdered in 304 in Rome during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian for refusing marriage. Agnes had committed to give her whole self to Jesus Christ and not even the threat of death could deter her from this promise.
Since God’s timing is perfect, it is no mistake that St. Agnes’ feast day falls on the 2022 March for Life, where, this year, the ever-heated issue of abortion shares the stage with a backdrop of abortion-tainted vaccines, vax passes and mandates. What lesson does St. Agnes have for us today?
Agnes stands in the middle of this seeming chaos and self-destruction as a reminder of the dignity of chastity and life, both of which are worth turning our lives upside down for—even to the point of death.
With sexual perversion of all kinds plaguing our society and families—and with sexual sins paving the way for abortion—Agnes calls us to task, to begin with ourselves, to do a little examination of conscience: how can I be living more of a chaste life in thoughts, words and actions? With my very life, how can I provide a balance and a witness to the beauty of purity, innocence, holy love in marriage, the total gift of self? If little Agnes were willing to die for chastity, shouldn’t I at least be willing to give up a TV show that may tempt me or to think twice before I go out of the house in those super-tight leggings?
As for the dignity of life, Agnes encourages us. She tells us that defending life is always worth every ounce of sacrifice. Marching through Washington, D.C. on a frigid January day, is worth it. Eating a cold picnic lunch because you are barred from restaurants for not taking the jab, is worth it. Being ridiculed and hated for defending all the little ones of the world, is worth it.
Agnes confidently tells us that we have no choice but to hold firm in the face of persecution. That we have every duty and responsibility to stay true to what know to be true. She tells us that there are things worth being uncomfortable for. Her sacrifice consoles us in making our own sacrifices. She reminds us there are things worth dying for. She did it. And so can we.
St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, pray for us.