The new Sun TV News network has been an incredibly fair media service, allowing pro-life, pro-family leaders and their views to at last be heard on television in Canada. For decades social conservatives have been effectively shut out of almost all of Canada’s major media or their views have been distorted and interviews manipulated to favour social radicalism.
Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition, was a guest on Brian Lilley’s Byline program this past Thursday. Jack was given plenty of opportunity to describe the 40 Days for Life effort and answer non-hostile questioning from Lilley.
I strongly encourage Canadian readers to tune in to Sun TV programs if they are available in your area. And if Sun TV is not available in your region, pester your cable provider to start carrying it. The new network is an amazing breath of fresh air.
Most of us have almost forgotten what it was like to have fair and balanced television news coverage on television and anyone under age 40 has probably never experienced it.