(LifeSiteNews) — Hello and welcome to this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. Today’s show is all about population control.
You have heard, I’m sure, that the Georgia Guidestones were blown up. You might not have seen that. They’re all about population control. But we’re going to get to all of that.
But remember, as we get into this subject, that the very first commandment to all mankind listed in Scripture as you read it in Genesis 1:28 was this: “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it,” said the good Lord God to mankind as His very first sort of commandment that you’ll ever read in the Scriptures.
So the devil is all about the opposite of God, and thus you’ve heard for millennia, actually, the want to curb fertility and cut down the population of the earth. Did I say millennia? Yes, I did.
And you’re going to see that the propaganda for this was everywhere. In fact, I’m sure you’re going to recognize it. This is The John-Henry Westen Show.
Listen to the full episode below, or watch above.
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