As long as I have been working in the pro-life movement, I have been praying for President Obama. Clearly he needs a heart change on the issue of abortion, but what disturbs me right now isn’t his heart but ours.
At first when the Sandy Hook tragedy occurred, most were pleased with the president’s response (as they should be; he responded with the compassion of a father as well as the authority of a leader). But as the days passed I have seen some disturbing comments that basically imply he is a hypocrite.
Here’s the deal, church. When we have prayed for years for a man’s heart to change, it’s not our job to judge his heart when he shows compassion, but to pray for the Lord to continue to work.
Who has known such tragedy as we experienced collectively this weekend? Even our president, who has responded to school shootings, has never experienced this magnitude of national grief.
Perhaps this has caused his heart to be touched with the heart of the father toward the children (Malachi 4:5-6). As a man with two daughters he loves dearly, the strings of his own heart were pulled as he expressed grief and compassion for the parents of the victims, for the parents who are victims, too.
When someone’s heart is raw, we shouldn’t condemn it but pray for the Lord to move on it, to encounter him. President Obama was struck with grief for the loss of precious children. He cares about children.
Most people who support abortion don’t hate the children. They are either deceived about what abortion is or they have hardened themselves toward the reality. They are not “baby haters.” They just don’t have the full reality; Jesus can reveal that. But sin in our own heart can hinder our prayers and the sin of criticizing freely, judging wrongly, and unbridling anger isn’t going to move God’s heart. It might move Him to tell us to remove the plank from our eyes first, though.
We pray so much for God to give people revelation, to open the eyes of their hearts and understanding. When we see compassion and love in a man toward the very thing we are praying, we should realize that his heart is open. We should not somehow “hijack” that to our own purposes, but to pray his heart grows in love even more toward children as he has been struck with the mass loss of children isn’t wrong. Condemning him is.
We are commanded to love. In this season of tragedy, let’s remember that more. Let’s pray our president’s heart is opened even more from revelation from heaven. Our job is to pray, love and stand for truth. We can’t pick the ones we like best; we must do them all.
Reprinted with permission from