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U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks during Turning Point USA's AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center on December 22, 2024, in Phoenix, ArizonaPhoto by Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The return of President Donald Trump has dealt a serious blow to the left’s agenda of radically transforming America, including:

1. Open borders; allow entry to terrorists, convicted criminals, murderers, rapists, gang members, and human and drug traffickers; assign unaccompanied children to unvetted/untraceable predators

2. Provide free housing, medical care, college tuition, air travel, and cellphones for illegal immigrants

3. Grant general amnesty, U.S. citizenship, and the right to vote to illegal immigrants

4. Permit unlimited abortion up to the moment of birth; allow post-abortive survivors to die

5. Spy on U.S. citizens

6. Brazenly lie to the public, e.g., Trump colluded with Russia, Hunter Biden’s laptop had hallmarks of Russian disinformation, Trump’s Madison Square Garden event was reenactment of 1939 Nazi rally, etc.

7. Censor speech

8. Control AI; promote groupthink in science and medicine; ostracize independent voices

9. Replace capitalism with government-run economy; control the price of food and other consumer goods

10. Redistribute wealth via higher taxes on the middle and upper classes; raise the minimum wage

11. Enact social programs that promote equity in outcome rather than equality of opportunity

12. Include Marxist CRT (Critical Race Theory) (race and gender used to classify groups as either victims or oppressors) in the basic curriculum of the nation’s public schools and universities

13. Foster DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion); implement diversity-first rather than merit-based system

14. Create “woke” rather than combat-ready military; inculcate CRT and DEI into all military branches

15. Eliminate/oppose voter ID and other efforts by states to safeguard election integrity

16. Tolerate widespread anti-Semitism in U.S. cities and on college campuses; focus on Islamophobia

17. Perpetuate the lie that hate crimes against Muslims, immigrants, and black people vastly outnumber those against Christians and Jews; refuse to acknowledge the fact black people commit and fabricate hate crimes against white people

18. Require public schools at all grade levels to teach that gender is fluid; readily refer students who are confused about their sexual identity to pro-transgender facilities without parental knowledge or permission

19. Allow pregnant minor girls to give consent to abortion without parental knowledge or input

20. Restrict the right of parents to influence the curriculum of the school their child attends

21. Eliminate school choice and vouchers; defund and/or close charter schools

22. Forgive all student loans, yet maintain the loan program

23. Push the “green agenda.” Generously fund solar and wind farms; ban fracking and off-shore drilling

24. Mandate EVs replace gasoline powered vehicles; ban gas stoves and ovens; ban use of all fossil fuels

25. Label scientists who refute the theory that “climate change” is primarily man-made as “science deniers” and “flat earthers”; academically isolate and refuse to fund research projects of skeptic scientists

26. Defund the police; implement arrest and rapid-release with no-cash bail requirement

27. Empty and close prisons; release convicted criminals early

28. Create perception that MAGA is a dog whistle call for return to the overt racism of “Jim Crow” days

29. Arrest, deny bail, prosecute, convict, and demand jail time for even the non-violent J6 protesters

30. Support Black Lives Matter riots; treat violent Black Lives Matter rioters more leniently than the non-violent J6 protesters

31. Label pro-life organizations as “terrorist” threats; deploy SWAT teams at dawn to arrest nonviolent pro-life protesters at their home; defund pregnancy resource centers; increase funding for Planned Parenthood

32. Enforce lockdowns, close schools, mandate shots and masks when another “pandemic” occurs

33. Insist COVID-19 “vaccines” are completely safe and beneficial, including in healthy children and young adults

34. Abolish the Senate filibuster (when the majority party)

35. Regulate the constitutional right to own firearms; eventually confiscate and ban all guns

36. Control information via proxy: strongly encourage Big Tech to censor, fact check, and/or shadow ban

37. Expand Obamacare; pass congressional legislation granting U.S. citizens (and illegal immigrants) the universal “right” to free government-run health care; prohibit and/or eliminate the private practice of medicine

38. Replace the Electoral College with majority vote to elect the president

39. Force U.S. taxpayers to pay for “sex change” operations of prisoners who claim they are “transgender”

40. Promote gender ideology; disregard the science; permit confused men (XY) with gender dysphoria to compete in women’s sports and freely use women’s locker rooms and bathrooms

41. Allow children of any age or grade unlimited access to books on sexuality and gender fluidity

42. Co-opt language; e.g., change breast feeding to “chest feeding,” pregnant woman to “birthing person”

43. Support “forever wars”; provide open-ended military assistance and funding to Ukraine

44. Relinquish national sovereignty to global organizations, e.g., UN, ICC, WHO, WEF, World Bank, etc.

45. Politicize most federal agencies, including the Pentagon, USSS (Secret Service), FDA, EPA, FEMA, CDC, HHS, NPR, PBS, NIH, FTC, DOE, USCP (Capitol Police), etc.

46. Weaponize the FBI, CIA, IRS, and DOJ and use lawfare to undermine and criminalize political opponents

47. Charge U.S. citizens with hate speech if they fail to address individuals by their preferred pronouns

48. Deny physicians’ conscience rights; require physicians to commit abortions and transgender interventions, participate in assisted suicide and euthanasia, administer all vaccines, prescribe birth control pills, etc.

49. Approve monetary reparations for black people; pressure financial institutions to “debank” political foes

50. Establish “sanctuary cities” where illegal immigrants are warmly welcomed and immune from arrest and prosecution for breaking federal law; recklessly release illegal immigrants arrested for violent crimes

51. Smear, slander, and call political opponents vile names rather than debate the issues:

a. Repeatedly call President Trump totalitarian, traitor, fascist, dictator, anti-Semite, extremist, Nazi, Hitler, Stalin, Putin’s stooge, and an “existential threat to democracy”

b. Accuse the right of spreading lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories and denying elections

c. Call pro-lifers haters, intolerant, chauvinistic, sexist, misogynistic, etc.

d. Label conservatives who believe in traditional Christian values as bigots, hateful, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc.

e. Criticize those who espouse conservative ideas as deplorables, garbage, alt-right, white suprematists

52. Diminish the role of God, faith, and religion in the culture; paint the nuclear family as a bigoted white male patriarchy; promote “alternative lifestyles”; portray gender-confused individuals as victims, singularly virtuous and heroic

53. Enact social policies that encourage couples to limit the number of children

54. Function as the sole and final “fact checking” arbiter of all social media posts and public statements

55. Collude with Big Pharma, Big Tech, MSM (mainstream media), Big Food, Big Medicine, and Big Military

56. Praise the military brass and proudly proclaim the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle a huge success

57. Pack the Supreme Court with sufficient number of judges to counterbalance conservatives

58. Speak ad nauseam about the nation’s past moral failures, most notably the terrible injustices suffered by Native Americans and black people; fail to mention the U.S.’s unique role as a powerful force for good in the world and its exceptional historical character

59. Enlarge the size and power of the federal bureaucracy, increase spending, raise taxes, expand entitlement programs, ignore inflation, and completely disregard the national debt

60. Obfuscate and repeatedly lie about their true agenda

61. Ultimately, radically transform America from a nation founded on individual freedom and liberty, patriotism, limited government, and traditional Christian values, to one of censorship, intolerance, identity politics, unlimited abortion, hatred of America, an all-powerful and intrusive federal government, and a secular and immoral culture teeming with the resentment that naturally emanates from CRT and DEI.

