In a development sure to provide a headache for Democrat leaders, it has been revealed that the North Carolina abortionist caught on video explaining how his practice aborting “ugly black babies” is a boon to taxpayers is a regular blue donor.
“I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money,” Ashutosh Ron Virmani told pro-life activists with Operation Save America in remarks caught on video and published July 30. “Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you go ahead and adopt one of those ugly black babies.”
The Washington Examiner’s Timothy Carney on Tuesday noted Virmani’s political leanings are well-established.
Records show the Charlotte-based Virmani has given several donations since 2000 to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as $1,000 to John Kerry in 2004 and $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2008. Barack Obama does not appear on the list.
Historically, Democrats have an embarrassing record on civil rights: the party opposed civil rights for African Americans, including uniform opposition in Congress to the 14th amendment granting blacks civil rights. The party is also the sole founding party of the Ku Klux Klan: the 1915 Klan propaganda film The Birth of a Nation was described by its director as intended “to revolutionize northern sentiment by a presentation of history that would transform every man in my audience into a good Democrat!”
In September of last year, black pastor and civil rights activist Rev. Wayne Perryman filed a lawsuit against President Obama and the DNC in U.S. District Court for its history of racism against blacks, which he notes has never elicited an apology.
“Any organization that has such a racist history and receives 97% of the African American vote (after doing all they could to deny blacks the right to vote), should willingly apologize without being forced do so through a lawsuit,” said Perryman. The activist said he was “convinced that Democrats will only apologize if the media, or the courts (with public pressure) will force them to do so.”
“The man who authored the book: The Audacity of Hope, now has the ‘audacity’ to refuse to apologize for his political party and their racist institutions, that took the lives of millions of his own people,” he said.