Yesterday I wrote about a surrogate mother who is being pressured into aborting the child she is carrying by the child’s biological parents, because the child suffers from some abnormalities. I explained that I first learned of her case when I was directed to a blog authored by a woman named Ashley in which she lamented her plight, and that I also found a recent post on BabyCenter by the friend of a woman whose circumstance sounded nearly identical to Ashley’s.
I assumed that a surrogate mother being pressured to abort a baby against her will because of abnormalities was probably a rare enough circumstance that there wasn’t likely to be more than one in that situation right now, and that Ashley and the woman spoken of on BabyCenter were probably the same person. Well, it appears I was wrong.
New information indicates that in fact there are TWO women who are currently being pressured to abort because the child they are carrying suffers from abnormalities. In one case case the baby reportedly suffers from cleft lip and palate, potential heart problems, and perhaps Down syndrome. What the abnormalities are in the case of the other woman – ‘Ashley’ – isn’t clear, although the person who drew my attention to the link said it was cleft lip and palate.
I have already spoken to a lawyer with a large law firm who has offered to represent Ashley at no cost, and who has said that he is confident that any contract that would involve punishment for breach of contract under these circumstances could be invalidated in court. Undoubtedly the firm would willingly offer the same for the second woman. And I know that other pro-life organizations would offer whatever help necessary.
At the moment I can’t say more because I don’t know more, but it appears that some progress may be happening. Keep praying for these two women, and pray that they accept the offers of help that many people are willing to give to them.
Certainly by this point they can’t help but know that there are thousands of people who are willing to help them. I can’t count the number of people who have commented here and on Facebook saying that they would be more than happy to adopt the children if necessary.