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U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks during Turning Point USA's AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center on December 22, 2024, in Phoenix, ArizonaPhoto by Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

Today is the last day before LifeSite begins its annual Christmas/New Year’s week break. However, from the news articles that you will read today you will see a lot is still going on in the world. Sadly, the world does not stop for Christmas, but we simply have to leave it in God’s hands, and we will get back in the New Year to carry on from where we left off.

As you know, we are still significantly behind our campaign goal. We are hoping and praying that many who have not yet donated will do so, as you so often do from the end of the campaign through to the last day of the year.

To make that last-minute donation from now to then just click in

We are delighted to note that today there are a fair number of good and encouraging news articles for you.

The U.S. Senate has passed a bill banning taxpayer-funded “gender transitions” for military children. It still needs Joe Biden’s approval, however. Let’s pray that he signs it.

Far more significant is that President Donald Trump promised to end “transgender lunacy” during a speech this weekend at Turning Point USA’s America Fest. “With a stroke of my pen on day one, we are going to stop the transgender lunacy,” Trump said. “And I will sign executive orders to end child sexual mutilation, get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools,” he said to applause.

“And we will keep men out of women’s sports. And that will likewise be done on day one. Under the Trump administration, it will be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.”

Wow! That should cause a major shift in many other nations forcing this demonic lunacy on their citizens. Thanks be to God.

Another good news story is that among the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2025 is a prohibition on contracts with firms like NewsGuard Technologies, an organization criticized and accused of targeting conservative media outlets.

Newsguard has caused LifeSiteNews and many other conservative news and information sites huge grief with their extremely biased, unfair credibility ratings. Then the giant social media sites have used those ratings as an excuse to ruthlessly censor our reach. Combatting all this unjust censoring has been a stated high priority for the Trump administration. We might end up having a very good year in 2025 if they are successful in ending this severe, widespread discrimination against views the liberal globalists don’t want the world to read.

Amazingly, Cardinal Pizzaballa conducted a “solidarity visit” to Holy Family Church in war-torn Gaza on Sunday with permission from the Israeli government and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to persecuted Catholics. That was a miracle. Thank you Lord!

And there is a lot more of great interest for you to read today. They all emphasize how important it is that LifeSite continues to report these developments every day. Someone has to do it – and from the right perspective.

Help us to help you and the world with the truth with your generous donation to

Wishing you all a joyful and blessed Christmas,

Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

