March 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Right now, LifeSite is in the midst of its Spring fundraising campaign. These campaigns always remind me of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to bring you the truth about family, faith, culture, and life. The dedication of our staff to the pro-life cause is truly inspiring.
It is an absolute pleasure and a joy to work with the gifted people here. That’s why I encourage you to watch the video below. It is a powerful call to arms for readers like you to put on your armor and step out with the entire LifeSite family onto the battlefield for Christ.
If you join our Sustain Life program and become a regular monthly donor, your gift will be doubled for the next year thanks to a generous donation from a LifeSite supporter. Will you consider becoming a Sustainer? It is crucial to our success in the culture wars to have as much ammunition as possible. Can you step up and play a leading role in the fight for truth? Click here to become a monthly sustainer:
I want take a few moments today to highlight just some of the phenomenal people you just saw in that video who help make LifeSite such an effective force for truth.
LifeSite’s Washington D.C. correspondent Doug Mainwaring has been with us for several years. His conversion story is truly amazing. Decades ago, Doug divorced his wife and left his children so he could live the homosexual lifestyle. Not until he realized how empty and unsatisfying that lifestyle was did Doug come back to Christ and rebuild his family. He and I discussed his awesome journey during an episode of my podcast last September. Be sure to watch it! Doug’s transformation from a selfish gay man to a selfless father who provided his two young boys with a sturdy home in is nothing short of remarkable.
LifeSite editor Claire Chretien is likewise an inspiring figure. Still in her 20s, Claire is a strong voice for the unborn, having written hundreds of articles for LifeSite over the past several years. But it wasn’t until she attended college at the University of Alabama that she embraced the pro-life cause. In recent months, Claire has interviewed some of the most well-known defenders of faith and family in the world, including Chinese Cardinal Zen and Alexander Tschugguel, the young man who tossed the Pachamama idol into the Tiber during the Amazonian Synod.
Lastly, you should know that I too spent many years away from God when I was a young man. Having lived a hedonistic lifestyle, I know first hand the despair that results from living apart from our Creator and His laws. But, by his grace, I was brought to my knees and shown the truth. I know the temptations our gravely diseased culture puts in the face of everyday people. We need to take a stand and fight the lies and deceit the devil is using to drag countless souls to hell. Join me during this Spring campaign by making a donation and we will make a difference for family, for faith, and for life. May God bless you.