The judges were spellbound. The crowd was captivated, leaping to a roaring acclamation at the closing scene. There’s no question that shadow theatre company Attraction, which performed its act on Britain’s Got Talent last week, is a master of its craft.
But what was it about the storyline that captured so many hearts? It’s a basic storyline, but one that can no longer be taken for granted. Man meets woman. They fall in love. They dance. They marry. They kiss. Their love creates a baby. A beautiful community arises that welcomes and treasures new life.
The future existence of this fundamental human storyline is what’s at stake in the war against real marriage today.
The homosexual lobby is doing its best to convince the world that there’s no real difference between homosexual arrangements and the spousal union between a man and woman that creates new life.
But here’s the thing: No matter how hard it tries, the homosexual lobby will never be able to own this primordial human story.
Two men or two women sharing sexual pleasure can never create new life. They can never form that organic beautiful community that arises from a baby being created in sexual love.
This narrative of love between a man and woman creating new life can only really belong to real marriage.
Only real marriage can ever own this story.
Click “like” if you support true marriage.
And at some deep level, this story resonates with people because they know that men and women are designed for one another. They vaguely perceive deep down that children should be the fruit of love between a man and a woman who have committed themselves to one another before God and country.
I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that deep down, practically everybody longs for a story like this to become their own. Everybody wants to love and to be loved, to discover love and make it their own. Everybody wants their love to be beautiful and life giving.
This story is going viral because it reveals the archetypical love story that every human heart has been designed to have written on it.
I say bravo to shadow theatre company Attraction for (probably unwittingly) crafting such a beautiful testimony to love, marriage, and family. As of this writing, the YouTube clip has been viewed more than 4.5 million times.
And thank goodness that the primordial story of love between a man and woman still rings true with so many.