

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 24, 2014 ( – Americans who believe in the right to life rarely get to present their motivation, their beliefs, or their personality in their own words. The media brand them as “anti-abortion,” or “anti-choice,” selecting the least representative figures and carefully editing their quotations to fit a preconceived narrative that pro-lifers are zealots, fanatics, and extremists. But pro-life Americans have had a surprising number of opportunities to speak for themselves recently – from Lila Rose's appearance on Crossfire to the video below, produced by the Heritage Foundation.

Heritage did what real journalists used to do: Go into the field and pound the pavement, interviewing participants to ask them why they're active and what made them brave subzero temperatures to make a political statement that too often falls on deaf ears.

The end of the video features Heritage Foundation Policy Analyst Sarah Torre's analysis:

The March for Life is important because of the truth that it proclaims: that every person from the moment of conception is a distinct and living human being who has the right to life. This isn't a right that just belongs to the strong or the  powerful. It's a right that belongs to all human beings regardless of their age, dependence, or ability.

Torre is exactly right. America must recognize the truth expressed in the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Without the Founders' unique genius that all rights are God-given and cannot be infringed by government, no right is secure.

Removing God from the Declaration of Independence, as President Obama has so often done, leaves all rights subject to the tyranny of the majority. History proves time and again that, in a godless society, politics becomes nothing more than Nietzsche's will to power, the war of each against all, and the subjugation of the weak and powerless to the strong and ruthless. That is precisely the kind of society the right to life movement is trying to avoid.

This short, inspiring video will help convey the noble intentions and heartfelt beliefs of those who marched this week. Hat's off to Heritage for producing it.