A California woman refused doctors’ advice to abort some of her unborn children after finding herself pregnant with quintuplets – and now has given birth to five healthy babies.
From CBS News:
A Fullerton mom has successfully given birth to a live set of quintuplets at a Phoenix-area hospital, after refusing the advice of doctors who recommended fetal reduction.
Meryl Ferraro, 39, and her husband, John, last week welcomed the arrival of their quintuplets, whom they have collectively nicknamed GRACE, for their first name initials: Gabrielle, Riley (a boy), Addison (a girl), Cooper, and Emerson (a girl).
According to the family’s blog, the Ferraros – who had already conceived and given birth to a now 2-year-old daughter with the help of fertility treatments – decided to follow Dr. Elliott back to Arizona after being advised by several doctors in Southern California to seriously consider fetal reduction, the practice of killing one fetus in a multiple-baby pregnancy.
“After reading all the information, we were horrified,” the Ferraro’s background page reads. “We decided it was not our place to choose which of our babies would live and which one would die. If God was giving us 5 babies, there was a reason. We made a decision to see them as a precious blessing from God above and not as burdens we needed to eliminate.”