Here are the latest numbers on porn: you’d better sit down A new survey found that 64 percent of American men and 20 percent of women view pornography at least monthly. And for Christian men, that number is 55 percent. Opinion John Stonestreet • Sep 9, 2014Jun 18, 2021
This is the true face of the Sexual Revolution. I apologize in advance. It ain't pretty. Blogs Jonathon Van Maren • Sep 8, 2014Jun 18, 2021
The Identical: Reviving values in Hollywood The Identical is a hopeful sign that we may be able to rebuild a culture that celebrates family, life and love through the arts. Opinion Caitlin Bootsma • Sep 8, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Margaret Mead and the quackery that undergirded the Sexual Revolution Margaret Mead’s ‘research’ shocked the world and helped inspire a revolution in sexual morals. But it was bunk. Blogs Jonathon Van Maren • Sep 3, 2014Jul 30, 2021
He defended ‘real’ marriage, and then was beheaded for it John the Baptist was martyred nearly 2,000 years ago, but his heroic stance for real marriage is more pertinent today than ever before. Opinion Pete Baklinski • Aug 29, 2014Jul 30, 2021
Assimilation is no option: Christians and the culture What does it really mean to be in the world but not of it? It’s a question that you, I, and every believer need to answer. Opinion Eric Metaxas • Aug 29, 2014Jun 18, 2021
One good reason we can change public opinion on abortion People often ask me: Why do you guys think you can actually change public opinion? I’d like to answer that question with a story. Opinion Jonathon Van Maren • Aug 27, 2014Jun 18, 2021
So, a gay stripper walks into a top children’s charity and asks for a job… If it sounds like the beginning of a tasteless joke, it isn't. I wish it was. Blogs Anthony Esolen • Aug 26, 2014Jun 18, 2021
How abortion can save the world “The Giver” shows how the fight to save babies can transform souls and society Opinion Jason Scott Jones • Aug 22, 2014Apr 23, 2024
Adventures while standing in public with abortion photos The carefree looks on people's faces transform into looks of shock and horror after seeing exactly what an abortion does to a baby in the womb. Opinion Cynthia Bredfeldt • Aug 19, 2014Jun 18, 2021