After the presidential debate Tuesday night, The Daily Caller’s Nicholas Ballasy caught up with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in the media spin room. Ballasy asked a good question: “Do you think that that’s appropriate to get federal funding when you take such a high salary?” Richards earns over $400,000 annually. Richards’ response: “None of my salary is paid for by the federal government and Planned Parenthood is reimbursed for health care services and, quite frankly, we provide more health care for lower cost than any women’s health care provider in the country.” Ballasy’s follow-up question should have been: “Let’s […]
October 17, 2012 ( – Adam Gopnik is a gifted essayist and writer whose contributions, often published in The New Yorker, are almost always thoughtful and interesting. Nevertheless, one of his most recent writings is deeply disturbing, and at the deepest level. Reflecting on the debate between Vice President Joseph Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan, Gopnik registered alarm at “something genuinely disturbing and scary” that had been said by Paul Ryan. Gopnik first complained that Biden and Ryan should not have even been asked about the role their Roman Catholic faith plays in their thinking, specifically on the issue of […]
Smeaton, a veteran of many international battles against anti-life and anti-family campaigns, gave LSN a thorough examination of the historical context of the situation in Ireland.
Massachusetts citizens will be making a momentus decision on November 6, that being whether or not to legalize assisted suicide (Question 2). Question 2 would legalize assisted suicide in a manner that is flawed, dangerous, irresponsible and simply unsafe. The Massachusetts Committee Against Physician Assisted Suicide have begun operating their first commercial opposing Question 2 (assisted suicide) on the November 6 ballot in Massachusetts. Link to the commercial. To donate to the cost of airing this commercial or the other commercials that the Committee Against Physician Assisted Suicide will air in the near future. Link to donate. Assisted Suicide is […]