Recent Catholic Commentary

Why doesn’t the media notice Biden’s legion of flip flops on abortion?

The media and feminists like to accuse Mitt Romney of being a flip-flopper on abortion, simply because he converted from supporting abortion to opposing it. They also like to point out Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan, don’t even see eye to eye on the issue, since the former has a rape and incest exception and the latter doesn’t. And then we move to the Barack Obama/Joe Biden ticket, which, on the issue of abortion, is actually all of the above on steroids. Yet we hear nary a peep from the press questioning the vast inconsistencies. I gleaned all […]

Farewell to Kathleen Gilbert

Today, Sunday October 14, Kathleen Gilbert our beloved former US Bureau Chief and intrepid reporter enters the Carmelite convent in Buffalo NY.  It is a time mixed with joy, pride, and hope, but also with sadness and hardship.  The sadness and hardship are easily understood on the physical realm: a great reporter with the skill to undertake the most sensitive subjects with care and discernment will no longer be investigating and writing for us.  However, after extracting many many promises of continued prayers Kathleen, I can safely say, will remain on the LifeSiteNews team.  There was a very nice write-up […]