Recent Catholic Commentary

New Republican Party platform strongly pro-life

Over the last two days I had the privilege of working once again on the pro-life provisions of the Republican Party Platform in the meeting they hold once every four years. And once again the Committee approved a new party platform that strongly defends the sanctity of human life. A key provision in the document is a call for a Human Life Amendment to the US Constitution, a provision that has been in place since 1976, just three years after Roe v. Wade.  And, in an historic first pioneered by myself and Kellie Fiedorek of AUL Action, the document now […]

And so it begins…

Before Dalton McGuinty passed his gay clubs bill – euphemistically named the Accepting Schools Act – some Catholics who supported the bill for its “anti-bullying” focus questioned how many GSAs would actually get off the ground in the Catholic schools. Their argument is consequentialist, of course. If we admit the clubs are wrong – which indeed they are, as Ontario’s bishops and other traditional Christian leaders have affirmed – then allowing even one is a compromise with evil. For those of us who have been watching this issue the whole way, though, it was clear that these activist groups would […]

Abortion in cases of rape: why not kill the guilty rapist before the innocent child

Updated from a commentary I wrote in 2006. In most liberal countries capital punishment is outlawed and usually opposed by a healthy majority of the population. That is all well and good. I too oppose capital punishment in those nations where the penal system is sufficient to keep dangerous criminals from harming others. However, many of these so-called liberal countries, accept abortion, and most began their acceptance of abortion with accepting abortion in the hard cases of rape and incest. However, in a civilized country we punish the guilty and not the innocent. So why are we suggesting capital punishment […]