Recent Catholic Commentary

MSNBC host: ‘Girls, get your abortions NOW in case the Republicans win’

Abortion activists like to say that abortion is a “tragedy” and that it should be safe, legal and “rare.” But sometimes they drop the pretense, and reveal their full extremism, such as when the Democratic party writes a platform that supports taxpayer funded abortion on demand at any point during pregnancy (sadly, this is a true story). Or when they joke about how women should got out and get abortions right away, just in case the Republicans win the upcoming election. The latter is the approach MSNBC’s “The Cycle” co-host Touré took this morning when he re-tweeted a tweet that […]

Abortion clinic owner scrubs hemorrhaged blood off sidewalk: then woman drives self home

The Susan B. Anthony List “Women Speak Out: Abortion is NOT Health Care” bus tour made a stop in Fort Pierce, Florida, last week, where I met staff from Pregnancy Care Center, the resource center featured in the 2010 HBO documentary 12th & Delaware. 12 & Delaware pitted PRC against the late-term abortion clinic across the street (hence the title of the movie), A Woman’s World Medical Center, with the latter emerging in the film as a shining city on a hill and the former not so much. I wrote in December 2010 that A Woman’s World Medical Center was […]

Appeals court: US can fund embryo research – as long as the embryos are destroyed elsewhere first

Last week ended with a ruling from a federal appeals court that should be a wake-up call to how far we are falling in our nation.  If you recall, we’ve written much in this blog about the tug-of-war between the government and scientists competing for government grants to do ethical stem cell research versus research that destroys human embryos, therefore potentially taking a life.  On Friday, a court ruled in Sherley v. Sebelius, saying the funding of human embryonic stem cell research can continue at the government level — just as long as the embryos are killed with private funds […]

Why I don’t care what George Carlin said about abortion

As opposition to pro-life legislation in North America becomes less and less coherent and increasingly shrill and desperate (the scientific inquiry Motion 312 in Canada, the entirely fictitious Republican “War on Women” in the US), the abortion crowd is falling back on a tried and true strategy: Trot out the celebrity. I don’t pay much attention to the celebrity culture in general unless one of them decides to say something asinine about politics (which, come to think of it, is pretty regularly), but when the pro-“choice” trolls on our Facebook page posted the exact same YouTube clip to our wall […]