Recent Catholic Commentary

Political conservatives a vanished species in Canada?

Canada continues its accelerating, dangerous social change experiments. One of the main reasons this is happening is that, on the political level, elected officials supposedly representing a conservative alternative for voters have betrayed their principles, their souls and their base of supporters for perhaps a few fleeting years of power. Hence, there is growing deep cynicism and distrust of all politicians who no longer seem to stand for anything other than gaining or maintaining that power. The word “conservative” has been gutted and rendered meaningless. Many Canadian voters now appear to be thoroughly disgusted with all the parties. This applies […]

Do men have a place on the New Abortion Caravan?

As the New Abortion Caravan makes its way across the country, many of the attendees at presentations in various cities have made interesting remarks about the number of young men who have joined the pro-life caravan (while the women outnumber the men, there are eleven young men on the caravan.) Some have commented that it is encouraging to see young men join the pro-life cause, since feminist orthodoxy seems to have succeeded in convincing the large majority to avoid the issue. Others have asked how we respond to the argument that men have no place in a debate surrounding what […]