Recent Catholic Commentary

Now’s the time to unite behind Woodworth’s motion

Author’s note: The following blog post is written for Canadians in my capacity as president of Campaign Life Coalition, Nova Scotia. The date is set: On Sept. 26th Woodworth’s motion to reconsider the humanity of the unborn child faces a decisive vote. If it gets 50% of MPs behind it, then it moves to committee. If not then it dies. So now’s the time for a final push to lobby our MPs, and get friends and family to do the same. Write your MPs, the Prime Minister, and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, preferably by mail but e-mail if necessary. See […]

Distressing, vicious responses to Barkin and Cher story

Yesterday’s story, Barkin mad: Actress hopes hurricane kills ‘every pro-life’ SOB; Cher hopes Akin gets raped generated a flood of responses in the comments section under the story. While it is true that the reported statements by Ellen Barkin and Cher were pure hate speech and they should be held to public account for them, it has been distressing to see the many incredibly vicious, hateful and often vulgar comments in return from readers. We have never seen so many grossly insulting and violent reactions to any past story on LifeSiteNews. Most, if not all of those undoubtedly came from […]

We are the underdogs

We were prepared for the worst. We anticipated receiving hateful accusations, vulgar language, and obscene gestures. But we were wrong.

Pregnant in Auschwitz: Holocaust survivor recalls split-second decision that saved her and her son

The following story was printed last week in the National Post: Miriam Rosenthal was four-months pregnant, starving, bone-tired, cold, filthy and afraid when an SS officer in big black boots and a crisp uniform appeared before the barracks in Auschwitz with a loudspeaker in hand. All pregnant women line up, he barked. Line up, line up — your food portions are being doubled. “Can you imagine?” Miriam asks. “Even women who were not pregnant stepped forward. I was standing with my younger cousin, but I wouldn’t go. She says, ‘Miriam, what are you doing?’ ” “Something was holding me back. […]