The battle for civil rights for all Americans, regardless of race or age, continues. It’s a crying shame that Barack Obama is fighting us tooth and nail.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s founder and CEO is stepping down. Nancy Brinker is joined on her fall on the sword by her president and two board members, all denying the Planned Parenthood debacle had anything to do with it. It didn’t have to be this way. They could have stood strong in their decision to defund the United States’ largest abortion provider, but they couldn’t handle the heat. Since then no one has been happy. While MSM consistently portrays Komen’s loss of revenue as a show of displeasure by abortion proponents, it is just as likely disappointed and […]
It certainly has been a brutally hot and dry summer for many (not all) parts of the United States and Canada. Are the global warming alarmists finally being proven right? I don’t think so and an article in PJ Media, Climate Catastrophe or Media Hype?, seems to back up my hunches on that. At LifeSiteNews we have been very skeptical about the hysteria about man-made “global warming” which is changed to “climate change” in the winter. The reason for the skepticism has been our observation very early on that the individuals and organizations most prominent in fanning the climate fears […]
In a development sure to provide a headache for Democrat leaders, it has been revealed that the North Carolina abortionist caught on video explaining how his practice aborting “ugly black babies” is a boon to taxpayers is a regular blue donor. “I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money,” Ashutosh Ron Virmani told pro-life activists with Operation Save America in remarks caught on video and published July 30. “Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you go ahead and adopt one of those ugly black babies.” The Washington Examiner’s Timothy Carney on Tuesday noted Virmani’s […]