Recent Catholic Commentary

Media outlets overstate implications of a Roe v. Wade reversal

The abortion issue receives a considerable amount of media coverage. However, media outlets do a consistently poor job explaining the implications of overturning Roe v. Wade. Some outlets hint that when Roe is overturned, abortion would be banned everywhere. Others correctly report that a reversal of Roe would return abortion policy to the states — but use faulty analyses by abortion-rights groups to argue that abortion would quickly be banned in a high percentage of states. Sadly, even some academics have gotten into the act. A recent NBER study that analyzed how the reversal of Roe would impact the abortion […]

UK woman jailed for abortion that Canada would have paid for

The traditional media is still trying to figure out how to spin a bizarre story out of the United Kingdom this week, where a 35-year-old woman named Sarah Catt was sentenced by a judge to eight years in prison for what the BBC is calling a “full-term abortion.” Catt, who had previously placed a child for adoption and aborted another one of her children, had taken pharmaceuticals she ordered online to induce labor and kill the child. The sentence was passed down for her “deliberate and calculated decision” to terminate her pregnancy, the judge said. The BBC reported Justice Cooke […]

‘Don’t talk to her!’: college abortion supporters deathly afraid of debate

Yesterday youthful abortion supporters protested Students for Life of America’s “I Vote Pro-Life First” college campus tour stop at Indiana University-Purdue University Ft. Wayne. The administration had separated our two groups, so I walked to the pro-abortion area to tell them about my experience with Barack Obama, since they were positioned too far away to hear me. After I introduced myself, their leader (second from left in photo above) yelled, “Don’t listen to her, and remember not to talk!” I got only as far as a couple lines into my testimony when she started shout-singing the song, “If You’re Happy […]