Recent Catholic Commentary

Breaking: New Hampshire to become fifth state to defund Planned Parenthood this year

Actually, New Hampshire may have bumped Wisconsin from the fourth spot. This is because, while it was previously reported that Wisconsin would become the fourth state this year to defund Planned Parenthood when Governor Scott Walker signs the state budget into law on June 28, it was reported just yesterday, according to the Boston Globe: New Hampshire’s Executive Council has voted against a $1.8 million contract that would have allowed Planned Parenthood of Northern New England to provide family planning services to low-income people in the state. The Union Leader clarified that the state is “defunding Planned Parenthood.” So we’ll […]

Silver lining: Federal fight to defund Planned Parenthood has led to state defunding victories

The far left organization Netroots Nation held its annual conference last week in Minnesota, and one of the breakout panels was “Protecting reproductive rights in your state.” The entire 1+ hour discussion is interesting, linked above. It’s always helpful to see what the other side is thinking. For this post I want to focus on the insights of Elizabeth Nash (pictured right), Public Policy Associate at Guttmacher Institute. Nash gave an overview of pro-life legislative victories this year, answering her own question, “How bad is it this year?” with “It’s really bad” and “It sucks out there.” Of course, that’s […]

Room at the inn

Because so many young women feel forced to choose between their baby and their education, an organization called Room at the Inn is building the nation’s first college-based maternity and after-care facility, providing pregnant college women with the option of continuing their education while having their baby. This center will be built on the grounds of Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, North Carolina, where the Benedictine Monks donated the land. I was privileged to speak at the ground-breaking ceremony yesterday morning. The moms will have the help of a twenty-four hour professional staff and a caring and supportive environment before, […]