Recent Catholic Commentary

Let us pray for all fathers

This weekend we observe Father’s Day. We thank God for faithful fathers who, like God Himself, give and protect life. Let’s also pray for fathers who are afraid to be fathers. Thousands of times a day, children are aborted, not because of a choice of the mother, but because of the choice of a father, who fails to show the faithfulness and willingness to protect the child he has helped conceive. At other times, fathers tried to stop the abortion, but the law excludes them from the final decision about the abortion. Men do suffer grief after the abortion of […]

Illinois investigation uncovers 4,000 underreported abortion complications and six unreported deaths

Good for the Chicago Tribune, revealing today some shocking statistics it uncovered when investigating shoddy records reporting by Illinois abortion clinics and the lax Illinois Department of Public Health overseeing them: Health care providers are failing to detail abortion complications to the state as required by law…. Nearly 4,000 reports of abortion complications involving Illinois residents in 2009 were missing the required description. Health care providers who intentionally fail to submit accurate and complete reports are committing a criminal act, and a failure to report abortion complications is grounds for revoking their licenses, but the Department of Public Health has […]

San Francisco on the wrong side of history

Reports are that San Francisco is the latest city looking to force pro-life pregnancy centers to state that they don’t provide or refer for abortions. And that just underscores the fact that the lifesaving work of pregnancy centers is giving abortion proponents an extreme case of heartburn that they will do anything to try to stop. City Supervisor Malia Cohen told the San Francisco Chronicle that she was working with NARAL Pro-Choice California to draft legislation that would require centers to post a sign in their waiting room indicating whether they provide or refer for abortions. Such forced speech requirements […]