A Catholic priest with a mighty pen has once again taken Development and Peace to task in the pages of the BC Catholic. Frequent National Post columnist, Fr. Raymond de Souza writes today: “My view is that CCODP has a tenuous claim on Catholic dollars because, aside from fundraising in Catholic parishes, they have a tenuous relationship with any distinctively Catholic mission. “ Drawing on the latest revelations of the criticism of now-former D&P Mexican partner ProDH by the Cardinal Archbishop of Mexico City, Fr. de Souza writes: “Just because CCODP has money from generous Canadian Catholics does not give […]
Hey, has anyone else thought of this? You know entropy? The tendency of things in the universe to fall apart, to dissipate energy, rather than come together in complex systems? It’s this: the Second Law of Thermodynamics: No process is possible whose sole result is the transfer of heat from a body of lower temperature to a body of higher temperature. In an isolated system, heat cannot flow spontaneously from cold regions to hot regions without external work being performed on the system. Entropy is a measure of the amount of energy in a physical system not available to do […]
The wound comes from well-meaning people. “Well, it wasn’t that far along.” “You can always have another child.” “Lots of people go through this.” Miscarriage is a tragedy that so many people misunderstand. They are not quite sure how to console a friend or relative who has suffered this loss. While there are no magic formulas, there is one fundamental truth that needs to stay front and center: a miscarriage is the loss of a child who is just as real and has just as much value as any other child of any age. A woman who has a miscarriage […]
Despite all my best efforts to remain in blissful ignorance, today I finally found out what the brewing scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner is all about. It would have been difficult not to find out: it’s everywhere. Evidently Weiner was accused of sending…er…salacious images to a woman via Twitter. But at first he denied it and claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, and hoped it would blow over. It didn’t. This afternoon Weiner finally stepped up and admitted the truth: yes, he was the source of the explicit photo, and yes, he has had explicit online conversations and […]
Despite being repeatedly rejected by Filipinos, the Reproductive Health Bill keeps reappearing because it is fueled by mind-boggling amounts of money from international population control organizations.
When the Bible, in part or in whole, is dismissed as “clobber Scriptures,” it is not only the Bible that is subverted, but also the Gospel. The Church must recognize that fact clearly — and fast.
What are the population controllers to do when birth rates keep falling? Why, put pressure on the demographers in their employ to fudge the numbers, of course.
Reese Witherspoon was awarded the coveted Generation award at the MTV Movies Awards Sunday. The show which was filled with raunchy talk and scenes heard Witherspoon telling “all the girls out there” that it is “possible to be a good girl” and promised to “make it cool.” Despite using the F-word herself in a crude joke, she said, “I just want to say to all the girls out there, I know it’s cool to be bad, I get it … it’s cool to be bad, but it’s also possible to make it in Hollywood without a reality show! “When I […]