Recent Catholic Commentary

Girl with Down syndrome named prom queen at Missouri school – had 90%+ chance of being aborted

Here’s a feel-good story for you. Students at a high school in Missouri have voted to crown a 19-year-old classmate who has Down syndrome as this year’s prom queen. The Daily Mail reports: Maisie has been at the school since kindergarten, and is extremely popular among the students in her year, many of whom who have known her since she was five. Mrs O’Dell (Maisie’s teacher and mentor) said: ‘‘They all know her really well, they all help her when she needs it. The vote was pretty much unanimous’ Describing her as ‘the sweetest person’, Mrs O’Dell said Maisie has […]

Obama administration blocks Indiana law defunding Planned Parenthood

No surprise, the Obama administration will attempt to block Indiana from enacting a new law that defunds Planned Parenthood. From the Associated Press: The Health and Human Services Department rejected changes in INs Medicaid plan Wednesday, saying it illegally bans funding for Planned Parenthood, and sought to make clear that a similar fate awaits other states that pass legislation barring any qualified health care provider. State officials signaled they would not accept HHS’ decision. In a letter sent to IN’s Medicaid director, Medicaid Administrator Donald Berwick said IN’s plan will improperly bar beneficiaries from receiving services. Federal law requires Medicaid […]

A little piece of greatness from Latin America

Hillary White recently highlighted the beauty of Italian culture with her commentary on a wonderful example of Latin music: the recent American Idol performance of the Italian trio Il Volo, whose rendition of the classic O Sole Mio has knocked the socks off of American audiences.  She expressed her hope that the dismally low birth rate of Italian society would not ultimately deprive the world of such cultural treasures. I often reflect sadly upon the almost total ignorance that anglophones in North America have of the riches of Latin civilization. Only the flimsy barrier of language, and a foolish indifference, […]

Kids cause Brad and Angelina to reconsider ‘we won’t marry till gays can’ vow

Brad Pitt has a history of promoting homosexual activism since breaking up with former wife Jennifer Aniston in 2005 after five years of marriage.  He’s been with actress Angelina Jolie since and has six children with her, three of them adopted. In 2006, while living with Jolie, he first announced that they would not marry until homosexual ‘marriage’ was permitted in the United States.  In an Esquire article in October 2006 Pitt wrote, “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able.” In an exclusive interview with […]

Salon writer admits embellishing ‘abortion saved my life’ story

On my blog last week I posted an excerpt from the Salon piece, “Abortion saved my life.” The writer, a blogger named Mikki Kendall, was relaying her first person account of supposedly nearly hemorrhaging to death because a hospital doctor refused to perform the one procedure that would save her life, an abortion. Here was the quote I pulled: I don’t know if his objections were religious or not; all I know is that when a bleeding woman was brought to him for treatment he refused to do the only thing that could stop the bleeding. Because he didn’t do […]

More Americans believe that Assisted Suicide is morally wrong

The recent Gallup poll in America shows that 45% of those polled thought that physician-assisted suicide was morally acceptable whereas 48% thought that physician-assisted suicide was Morally wrong. What was interesting about the findings was that the same poll found that 15% of those polled thought that suicide was morally acceptable and 80% thought that suicide was morally wrong. Bioethicist, Wesley Smith commented on these findings in his blog in this way:  Very interesting, and for me, alarming. Why would 45% support doctor assisted suicide as morally acceptable, but only 15% “suicide?” I think it is the authority of the […]

Sometimes the horror is too much: ‘Feticide’ and stopping the baby’s heart

I was just reading the report on abortion statistics from England and Wales and was caught off guard by one paragraph: For abortions at 22 weeks or beyond, feticide is recommended prior to the evacuation of the uterus to stop the fetal heart. In 2010, of the 1,173 abortions performed at 22 weeks and over, 70% were reported as preceded by a feticide and a further 25% were performed by a method whereby the fetal heart is stopped as part of the procedure. 2% of abortions at 22 weeks or beyond were confirmed as having no feticide. For the remaining […]