Recent Catholic Commentary

Anti-life media manufactures hysteria

In the last two weeks, the prospect of significant pro-life gains in state legislatures this year has seemed to throw those in the hard-left wing of the media into a tizzy. A number of stories have come out with blatant inaccuracies and overwrought hyperbole. Their current target? AUL’s model bill entitled The Pregnant Woman’s Protection Act. This groundbreaking model legislation seeks to ensure that a pregnant woman and her unborn child are protected from criminal violence and that her decision to carry her child to term is respected.  Specifically, the model legislation was drafted in direct response to the well-documented […]

In Virginia: A surprise amendment, sudden victory for abortion clinic regulation

It’s has been a wild week in Virginia. Earlier this month, every single pro-life bill died in in the Virginia Senate. The pro-abortion led caucus blocked many good pieces of legislation in committee on a party line vote. Bills like the opt-out of the abortion mandate in the federal health care bill, an expanded informed consent bill, and even a bill that would ban coercing a woman into getting an abortion against her will died in the Senate Education and Health Committee. And then there was this week. For years, the pro-life movement has tried to get basic abortion clinic […]

Pray this prayer to defund Planned Parenthood

Lord of Life and Truth, Your Providence guides the course of history. You have conquered death And have made us the People of Life. You call us to fight the evil of abortion And the forces that promote it. We therefore ask you to grant wisdom and mercy to our nation. Give our government leaders the courage To put an end to the funding Of the largest abortion business in the world. Give all of us the courage to insist That public funding only be used For the protection and promotion of life Rather than for its destruction. Give us […]