Actress Nicole Kidman and country music star Keith Urban announced yesterday the December 28th birth of their biological child born by a paid surrogate mother.
Note: Steve Macias the Students for Life of America West Coast Field Agent Growing up in Sacramento, California I am well accustomed to the wild west coast and its liberal slant. Especially when it came to matters on the sanctity of human life. I can remember being introduced to sexuality and matters of birth control in sixth grade, and just months later Planned Parenthood entered our classroom, violating the appropriate nature of a banana with a colorful condom. At the time, this didn’t seem strange but ordinary. I remember even a sense of anticipation from my classmates who were excessively […]
I’m writing from Omaha after having flown in last night to speak at the Celebration of Life Dinner this evening. At the airport I was met by Steve and Carolyn LaGreca, and we were joined by John and Anne Marie Bowen. The two ladies head up Nebraskans United for Life and are close friends. I was truly struck by their friendship – full of joy, love and support. It reminded me of a thought which has often reoccurred to me as I’ve come across pro-lifers in various places around the globe … among the pro-life community are to be found […]
Have you ever considered the impact that urbanization and industrialism have had on our culture’s attitudes on life and family? In his book The Church and the Land, Dominican Fr. Vincent McNabb (1868-1943) argues that the Industrial Revolution, with scores of country dwellers fleeing the land and crowding into cities, created the conditions that led to a contraceptive culture. Some quotes from the book: “Scarcely had industrialism run two hundred years than the great towns were reduced to such a state of economic bankruptcy – and here was the call to an apostle – that race suicide could be made […]
The ever-creative folks at Population Research Institute have launched a new t-shirt design contest, in which participants can vote on a favorite design and even submit their own for a chance to win $300. Following the theme of their popular “Overpopulation is a Myth” video campaign, the shirt designs already available will be pretty hard to top. But who knows what sort of creative juices are out there? There’s only a week to vote, so click here to check out all the designs. Budding artists have until January 26 to submit their idea. And, if you haven’t already checked out […]
An article written by Olivia D’Orazio and published in the Canadian Lawyer Magazine on December 29, 2010; explains that Jocelyn Downie will once again be spinning her false arguments concerning the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. Downie, a long-time advocate for the legalization of euthanasia, who published the book: Dying Justice: A Case for Decriminalizing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Canada and who has been working with a one-sided committee on behalf of the Royal Society of Canada to produce a document that will promote the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide, will be speaking on January […]
Recently MTV had an abortion episode called “No Easy Decision.” The couple, James and Markai, agonized over what to do about their second pregnancy and ended up having an abortion. They kept asking themselves what would happen if they had a second child. But is that not precisely how we make these decisions less easy? People in these situations often talk as if the child who already exists in the womb did not in fact exist. The question is not what will happen if they have this child. The real question they are wrestling with but not admitting is whether […]