Jaw-dropping Vatican financial and sexual corruption EXPOSED

The John-Henry Westen Show

The John-Henry Westen Show

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John-Henry Westen and Steven Brady discuss corruption and scandals in the Vatican and with clergy – including homosexuality and financial corruption.

In 2000, Brady exposed the “Saint Sebastian’s Angels” website, on which priests and bishops were sharing homosexual messages and images and spreading distortions of Catholic sexual ethics.

Brady also discusses the money laundering links with the Vatican, as well as threats issued to businessmen who have revealed it.

He shines a light on the complicity of bishops in covering up abuses and misconduct – particularly with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was publicly denounced by now-excommunicated whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – when they knew about and overlooked McCarrick’s crimes for a long time.

He praises the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) for his efforts to address these issues despite facing resistance from various quarters.

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July 11, 2024


