
Tuesday May 4, 1999


Orwellian Double-Speak Used To Justify Late Abortions

CALGARY, May 4 (LSN) – MP’s looking into late-term abortions in Canada have been given official responses full of lies and deception in federal and provincial government attempts to conceal the late-term abortion holocaust.

Official Opposition Health Critic Dr. Grant Hill wrote provincial health ministers and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (SOGC) of Canada last October requesting information on third trimester abortions. Responding in late January, the SOGC told Dr. Hill “abortions are performed after 20 weeks only if the physician judges that the mother or fetus are in danger of death. This might occur once in a five year period.” However, reports back from provincial health ministers show the SOGC to be erroneous.

BC Health Minister Penny Priddy replied to Dr. Hill noting that “abortions for women terminating a pregnancy for genetic reasons are performed up to 26 weeks gestation.” Furthermore, Priddy reveals that elective abortions are performed in BC “up to 20 weeks gestation” but “women may choose to go to the United States (Washington State) to have an abortion” paid for by the province.

Alberta Health Minister Halvar C. Jonson responded to Dr. Hill’s inquiry saying “during the 1996/97 fiscal year there were sixtherapeutic abortions performed later than 20 weeks gestation. Since April, 1995 there have been six cases referred to the United States for the procedure. All six cases were funded by Alberta Health.” However forthright Minister Jonson may seem, hospital admissions prove his figures way off. Shirley Popadiuk, public affairs manager for acute care at one hospital in Alberta (Foothills) admitted to Alberta Report magazine last month that about 40 late term abortions occurred in 1998.

Calgary Southeast MP Jason Kenney wrote the Calgary Regional Health Authority (CHRA) last month regarding late-term (35 weeks) abortions at Foothills Hospital. In an unimaginable use of double- speak the CHRA responded “therapeutic abortions are not carried out at the hospital. Genetic terminations are performed at the Foothills.” “Genetic terminations” refer to babies later that 20 weeks gestation who are killed through “induction of labour” whereby labour is induced and the child is either born dead or left to die without food, water, or medical treatment.