
VICTORIA, April 11, 2003 ( – Homosexual activists are stepping up an “education” campaign to influence more students, teachers and principals to celebrate” homosexuality and to actively suppress the last traces of the traditional view that heterosexuality is both normal and more desirable.

Two homosexuals, Murray Warren and Peter Cook, are attempting to employ the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal to compel teachers to inculcate homosexual values. “People want to see us [teachers] address homophobia across the board,” Mr. Warren, a Coquitlam teacher, told the Vancouver Sun. “Heterosexism is far more insidious than homophobia,” Warren said. “It’s insidious and pervasive.”  They have designed a curriculum instructing teachers to incorporate same-sex and transgendered issues throughout the curriculum at all grade levels; to discuss famous lesbians, gays and bisexuals; to bring speakers into the school to talk about homosexuality; to put up supportive posters, wear rainbow pins or pink triangles to show support and encourage gay pride; to use gender-neutral language; to refer to “adults in the family” instead of mothers or fathers; to encourage boys and girls to consider same-sex relations; to have zero tolerance for name calling, harassment and teasing; and to treat homophobia and transphobia as seriously as racism or sexism.  Kari Simpson, who is seeking intervenor status before the human rights tribunal, calls the resources “propaganda” and a threat to all families. “The school’s focus on social engineering has got out of control. Not just with homosexuality but also feminism, unionism and sexism,” she said. “In this day and age, the last thing children need is for schools to sexualize every topic. That would be what most parents are concerned about – the sexualization of our education system.”  For a full-length story see the Vancouver Sun for April 10, 2003.