
Edmonton, July 18, 2003 ( – Western Canadian journalist Lorne Gunter has written another revealing article on the dangers to Canada of upcoming Liberal Party leader Paul Martin’s likely appointment of Maurice Strong as a senior advisor.  Gunter relates that “Everything that is wrong can, in Strong’s mind, be traced to three sources—industrialization, wealth and free markets. I’d add a fourth—Christianity—except Strong never quite comes out and blames it for the world’s ills. He merely hints at it with statements such as “We are all gods now, gods in charge of our own destiny,”  Strong, Gunter says, sees himself as one of the world’s highest elite and “thinks only superior mortals who run in his circles and share his philosophy are fit to decide how the world should be run.”  Canadian writer Ezra Levant is noted as claiming that Strong has “never stopped pressing for a world where the UN’s resolutions would be enforced as the law in every corner of the Earth.” And Strong, Gunter comments, “has made it clear he sees no harm in carbon taxes, air travel taxes and financial transaction taxes that raise billions or even trillions annually to fund a super world bureaucracy where he and others can influence world affairs without every grubbying themselves by seeking approval from—ugh—voters. ”  See the complete article at: