
OTTAWA, February 26, 2004 ( – With the possible imminent passage of the fatally flawed Reproductive Technologies in the Canadian Senate LifeSite provides below a simple point-form list of the complex bill’s problems and good points.  Problem points:  1.  Denies the humanity of the unborn child 2.  Does not ban all forms of cloning 3.  Encourages in vitro fertilization (test tube babies), to create more “spare” embryos for research 4.  Allows the implantation of clones into artificial wombs and mandates the killing of cloned babies before birth 5.  Allows doctors to perform in vitro fertilization for homosexuals and unmarried person 6.  Allows experimentation on living and dead fetuses (creates a market for aborted fetuses)  7.  Does NOT ban surrogate motherhood 8.  Does not ban mixing human and animal genes, so allows for making hybrids 9.  Allows parents to give permission to have their embryonic children used for experimentation 10. Does not restrict embryonic stem cell research in any way 11. Allows the harvesting of sperm and ova after death of the donor 12. After the bill passes, an un-elected regulatory agency can create new regulations with no oversight from Parliament

Good Points:  1. Bans paying wages directly to surrogate mothers for their “services” (however, does allow them to be “compensated” for lost wages from another job)  2. Bans paying for sperm and ova 3. Bans sale of embryos   Campaign Life Coalition is asking concerned Canadians to immediately call Canadian Senators asking them to defeat or substantially amend the bill.  For more detailed information on the bill see