
By Gudrun Schultz

BOSTON, Massachusetts, March 7, 2006 ( – A professor and a group of abortion activists at Boston College resorted to deception this week in order to bypass school officials and hold an abortion-rights panel discussion on university grounds.

The Women’s Health Initiative, an abortion rights group that is not recognized by the university, initially gained permission to hold the panel, called “The Future of Women’s Rights” by telling university officials that they were members of the College Democrats.

When the college discovered the deception, they withdrew permission for the panel.

BC sociology professor Charles Derber, who told the Boston Globe he supported the Women’s Health Initiative “in the name of academic freedom,’ then told the College he needed campus meeting space for the sociology department. The event took place that Tuesday afternoon.

Boston College does not recognize abortion rights groups. The university is a Jesuit school, and over 70 percent of the student body is Catholic. The school has a strong element of opposition to abortion, with at least three campus groups dedicated to supporting life. Last week was “Respect Life Week,” with students participating in a series of vigils against abortion.

Organizers of the abortion rights panel admitted that they misrepresented themselves as members of the College Democrats because they knew their group would not get permission to use campus space.

“The students from the Women’s Heath Initiative, in essence, were being duplicitous in trying to sponsor a prochoice event at a Catholic institution,” Jack Dunn, the school spokesman, told the Boston Globe.ÂÂ

The abortion rights panel discussion, which drew some 80 students, featured the public affairs director for Planned Parenthood, along with three academics who are abortion rights supporters.

In December 2005, the university refused to permit a campus dance sponsored by a gay and lesbian group. The school said allowing the dance would be advocating homosexuality in opposition to the teaching of the Catholic Church.

To express support to Boston College, contact:

Academic Vice President and Dean of Faculties Cutberto Garza at
[email protected]

Administrative assistant to BC president William Leahy, SJ
[email protected]