
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

MADRID, March 19, 2009 ( – Approximately one thousand scientists, physicians, academicians, and intellectuals have signed a statement rejecting the further legalization of abortion in Spain, and signatures continue to be added to the document.

The signers of the Madrid Manifesto, which comes in response to a proposal by the Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE) to allow abortion on demand during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, state that “we subscribe to the present Manifesto in defense of human life in its initial, embryonic, and fetal stages, and we reject its manipulation at the service of lucrative economic or ideological interests.”

Signers include over 200 members of the Royal Academies of Medicine, Pharmacy, Moral and Political Sciences, Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences, Jurisprudence and Legislation, History, and Fine Arts, and Gynecologists for the Right to Life, Pediatricians for the Right to Life, Psychiatrists for the Right to Life, and the Professional Association of Freelance Medical Practitioners, according to the Spanish newspaper ABC.

“There exists overwhelming scientific evidence that life begins at the moment of fertilization,” states the Manifesto. 

“The most current knowledge demonstrates it: genetics indicates that fertilization is the moment in which a unique genetic identity is constituted; cell biology explains that multicellular life is constituted from a unique initial cell, the zygote, in whose nucleus is found the genetic information that is held in all of the cells and that determines cellular differentiation; embryology describes the development and reveals how it occurs without loss of continuity.”

After stating more evidence for the humanity of life in the womb, the signers conclude that “abortion is not only an act of ‘voluntary interruption of pregnancy’ but a simple and cruel act of ‘interruption of a human life’” and that “abortion is a drama with two victims: one dies and the other survives and suffers daily from the consequences of a dramatic and irreparable decision.”

Nicolas Jouve, professor of Genetics at the University of Alcala de Henares, commented after reading the manifesto that it “is not ideology, but scientific certainty.”

Related Links:

Madrid Manifesto (Manifiesto de Madrid) in Spanish Original

Previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

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