
Re: Canadian Bishops Conference Pres Says “No Foundation” for Allegations against Development and Peace

As the secretary for a Catholic parish in Northern Ontario I have been following this issue not only as a concerned Catholic but also as one who until your story broke, has been involved at our parish level in the fundraising campaigns for Development and Peace. There is no doubt in my mind that the evidence LifeSiteNews has gathered is legitimate and warrants our urgent attention.
There is also great consternation on my part regarding the head of the CCCB's 'findings'. One has to be either gullible or suffer from invincible ignorance in order not to look at the compelling evidence of Development & Peace's culpability. If the Peruvian Bishops' letter to our bishops is not convincing enough, then what is?
There is also irony in Archbishop Weisgerber's comment that our bishops' authority should take precedence over an Internet site's. When I read this all I could think of was the infamous Winnnipeg Statement in the 1960's in which our Canadian bishops openly dissented with the pope regarding the Church's stand on contraception and abortion. Unfortunately the good bishops' credibility are already tainted.
I for one will no longer support Development & Peace. Since the bishops have chosen not to 'clean up their act' in this regard, then as a lay Catholic I am doing the only thing I can do: withhold funds.
Helene Pineau
Chapleau Ontario


I wish to congratulate you on your video and very good reporting. I think it should be sent to everyone of our Bishops, some of whom are an example of what is wrong in our Church today.

Michael O'Neill


Archbishop Weisgerber made up his mind to completely ignore any and all facts about CCoDP and saw to it that the ridiculous internal investigation committee produced the whitewash he wanted to support his predetermined position.

The whole approach in this investigation is completely parallel to what goes on in our secular society where police and politicians arrange internal probes into their own misconduct, with the predetermined results forthcoming each time. This latest WEISwash should be the final nail in the CCoDP coffin and it should be quickly buried before it reeks even further.

Cec Kaller
British Columbia


Dear Lifesitenews,
I think I am at a loss for words as to what Archbishop Weisgerber's comments.  And I'm confused as to how this is an issue of authority.  When Peter made a mistake in the Gospel, Paul rebuked him and rebuked him loud and clear. That was no disrespect whatsoever to his authority, but had everything to do with not being faithful to the creed he promised to uphold.
I have a pretty simple and basic request.  That the funds that I put into the collection plate go to support orginizations and projects that are faithful to catholic teaching.  That's not too complicated.
If hypothetically, I found out my Bishops were supporting NARAL, and had absolutely no problem in doing so, I think I'd fall flat on my face in shock.  That's how I feel right now.  This has nothing to do with authority.  I just want D&P to stop funding organizations that support with their efforts and resources matters that are gravely contrary to the catholic faith.  Plain and simple.
Can I even trust what the Archbishop says on that?  Am I supposed to listed to him on this?  I'm confused as to the correct response here.
Adam Verheyen
Ontario, Canada


I would like to appeal to all readers around the world to take just a few moments to respectfully write his excellency, Archbishop Weisgerber who is the head of the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops.  This is a time for all those who work to protect the unborn to work together through prayer and respectful letter writing to appeal to the archbishop to consider other sources of evidence when making a decision about D&P.  It is a time to encourage him to pray over the implications of the letter from the Peruvian bishops and search for a deeper truth.

I appeal to all readers from around the world to send this one little email to  [email protected]

Thank you Lifesitenews for tirelessly bringing us the truth.

Anne Waggoner


The statement of Archbishop Weisgerber in which he apparently tries to “pull rank” in establishing the truth about D&P is deeply shocking.

We rightly expect to defer to the guidance of the Bishops in matters of faith and morals.  But whether or not funds donated through D&P end up supporting the promotion of abortion is a matter of fact. It is either true or untrue.

As we are being asked to provide financial support to D&P under the assurance that D&P is acting wholly within the ethical framework defined by the Roman Cathoiic Church, the issue becomes one of potential fraud.

As such, it may be necessary to pursue the matter in the courts.

David A. Kahn


Haven't the Canadian Bishops done enough already to mislead Catholics in Canada?
They ought to start repenting and  beg for forgiveness for rejecting Humanae Vitae and leading their nation into sodomy, fornication and abortion.
Gerry Thibodeau
Bangor, Maine


Re: Two Released after Being Arrested in Vancouver for Protesting Bubble-Zone Law Released

Thank you for your accurate story ( I watched it all ).  I think that there is an angle here for people like Ezra Levant:  the young photojournalist had a press card and denied being part of the protest.  Nevertheless he was treated as you described.  The arresting officer said, “We have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that you are part of the protest, so we are arresting you.”  After he was taken out of the wagon and his handcuffs were removed, he was spoken to for at least fifteen minutes (out of earshot).  I think that he was simply being intimidated so that he would never again try to make a documentary about the protest.

Keep up the good work.

Ken Milton
British Columbia


Re: Canada's Federal “Conservatives” Give $400K to Toronto Gay Pride Week

I am not happy that my tax monies are being used to support gay activities in a country that has great difficulty in protecting family and life values. Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism Diane Ablonczy and the Federal Government of Canada will be funding the Toronto Pride Week, which will run from June 19th – June 28th this year, with the theme “Can't Stop, Won't Stop” had better stop. THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!! PLEASE stop this. We don't need to promote this kind of morally destructive behavior. This is not about the right to be in union with another human person but a flagrant show of perversion! Sick, Sick, Sickening. This is a very poor decision.

Dale Webster
Summerland BC