
PLYMOUTH, Scotland, Jan 31 (LifeSiteNews) – While the Catholic Church in Scotland celebrated the birth of a baby to a 12-year-old girl who would likely have opted for an abortion without the aid of the church, abortion supporters reviled the news.

Jane Roe, of the UK’s Abortion Law Reform Association was outraged that the church encouraged the young mother not to abort the baby. “A 12-year-old is still a child. There is no way at all that a child of that age is ready physically, or emotionally, to give birth,” she said.  Cardinal Thomas Winning of Scotland, who commenced the pro-life aid from the church,  responded to the media through a spokesman, saying, “No one is happy when a child of 12 falls pregnant but, once it became clear she was pregnant, we were dealing with two lives and not one.” Fr Danny McLoughlin added, “Of course it is always a great joy that a child is born,  irrespective of the circumstances.”

As LifeSite reported last September, the girl resisted pressure from her mother to abort the baby. Furthermore, the adolescent father of the baby told the press that graphic sex-  education was responsible for their promiscuous behaviour. “It is the school’s responsibility, showing us videos of men and women naked. After all, we are just children,”  he said.

See the report from the Telegraph.