October 10, 2011 (40DaysforLife.org) – On this Monday morning, more good news to report!
Thus far during this 40 Days for Life campaign, we are aware of …
… 122 babies spared from abortion! And of course, those are only the ones we know of.
Here are just a few of the stories behind that number.
A married couple was headed into the abortion facility. They have two small children and they’re in a bad financial situation. They thought that abortion would be the best way to go.
After talking with one of the vigil participants, they kept their appointment at the clinic only to emerge 45 minutes later. During their appointment they learned that the doctor, who normally doesn’t do abortions on Thursdays, said that they should do it right away and that he could be there in an hour.
Join a Facebook page to end abortion here.
Instead, they decided to leave. A volunteer called another doctor who was able to see them right away and do an ultrasound.
40 Days for Life volunteers are working on getting support for them so that they are not alone.
Two volunteers were praying at the Planned Parenthood abortion center in Indianapolis when a young man came out to meet them.
The man and his wife were expecting their fifth child. At first, they panicked at the thought and had scheduled the abortion.
But when he met the vigil participants, he was smiling. He told them his wife was inside, but they had decided not to go through with the abortion. He accepted a bible and a baby gift and left for work.
A short time later, his wife walked out. She still seemed a bit unsure. But when the volunteers told that her husband strongly supported the choice for life, she appeared greatly relieved.
A 40 Days for Life volunteer was praying in front of Planned Parenthood praying, when a vehicle drove by and someone threw a bottle at him. His first thought was, “Time to leave!”
Instead, this faithful volunteer stayed there and kept praying. A while later, a woman came out of Planned Parenthood and looked at the prayer volunteer and simply said: “I’m going to keep mine.”
“We don’t know how many factors contributed to her decision to carry her child to term, but we do know that faithful prayer warriors are making a difference,” said Haylee in Anchorage. “What a miracle to know that a life has been saved!”
While volunteers prayed outside, a woman walked into the abortion center for a scheduled appointment – with her boyfriend and 9-month-old son in tow. As she didn’t know how far along in her pregnancy she was, she was prepared for an ultrasound.
After seeing the ultrasound image, the woman changed her mind and is now very excited about having her baby.
It’s worth noting that children are usually not allowed in abortion center waiting rooms – for a reason.
While the boyfriend and son were there, the child made his way over to another woman, who was waiting for an abortion. The baby boy pulled himself up on his knees and smiled at her. The woman got up and hurried out the door.
Reprinted with permission from 40DaysforLife.org