ROME, March 8, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The highly anticipated 2019 Rome Life Forum is just two months away. This year’s conference, hosted in Rome at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum), will be held on May 16-17. It will be followed by the annual Rome March for Life on Saturday, May 18.
The theme for this year’s conference is: “City of God vs. City of Man – Global One World Order vs. Christendom.” 2019 marks the fifth anniversary of the event, which is hosted by Voice of the Family. The conference is co-sponsored by Associazione Famiglia Domani (Italy), Family Life International New Zealand, LifeSiteNews, and the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (UK).
Click here to reserve your spot at the 2019 Rome Life Forum.
The conference comes at a tumultuous time in not just the Catholic Church but also in the world. Populist and nationalist movements are rising up in opposition to liberalism and multiculturalism. During his pontificate, Pope Francis has welcomed to the Vatican radical environmentalists and population control activists from the United Nations. He has also called on nations to “build bridges and not walls.” But prelates like Archbishop Athanasius Schneider and Cardinal Robert Sarah see the flooding of migrants into Europe as a deliberate, orchestrated attempt by powerful, pro-globalist individuals who want to undermine the continent’s Christian heritage.
Among those scheduled to speak on these and other pressing topics at this year’s conference include:
- Dubia Cardinal Raymond Burke
- Dubia Cardinal Walter Brandmüller
- Cardinal Willem Eijk (The Netherlands)
- Fr Kevin O’Reilly OP (Angelicum, Italy)
- Dr Alan Fimister (UK/USA)
- Prof. Roberto de Mattei (Lepanto Foundation, Italy)
- Steven Mosher (Population Research Institute, USA)
- Anthony Murphy (Catholic Voice, Ireland)
- John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews, Canada)
The Rome Life Forum is open to all those who have leadership roles in the pro-life and pro-family movement or in movements concerned with the defense and diffusion of Catholic moral and social teaching. For more information about event costs, travel, and lodging, click here. The program for the conference will be available in the coming weeks.
For LifeSite’s coverage of previous year’s Rome Life Forum’s, click the following: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015.