WASHINGTON, November 1, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The 40 Days for Life campaign is calling on people of faith and conscience to hold peaceful 24-hour prayer vigils outside of Planned Parenthood facilities and abortion centers across America on Saturday, November 3, to mark the grand finale of 40 Days for Life.
“Saturday is the busiest day of the week at most abortion facilities. That’s when the need for prayer is greatest,” said David Bereit, national campaign director for 40 Days for Life. “We are inviting pro-life believers across America to join in solidarity with 40 Days for Life by holding simultaneous prayer vigils outside every abortion center and Planned Parenthood facility in the United States on Saturday, November 3, from 12:01 AM until midnight—any location where people are willing to stand and pray.”
People in numerous cities and towns have been asking for some way to join the 40 Days for Life effort before the campaign ends on November 4. “That wish can now come true,” said Bereit.
The 40 Days for Life team is asking people to call their pastors, friends, and family to invite them to take part in what could be the nation’s largest-ever coordinated prayer presence outside of abortion facilities. “Many churches already have pro-life outreach groups, 24-hour prayer chapels or prayer teams that are on call 24 hours a day. Pregnancy care centers also have many volunteers who would be eager to join the effort,” he said. “Call and ask them to set aside time this Saturday, November 3, to pray for an end to abortion.”
“40 Days for Life has experienced amazing success in more than 80 cities throughout the country,” noted Bereit. “Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to participate in peaceful prayer vigils outside of abortion facilities – many of them for the very first time – and we have received reports of more than 300 children spared from abortion since 40 Days for Life began on September 26.”
“40 Days for Life has reinforced something we’ve known all along—prayer works,” he added. “Imagine if, even for just one day, the power of prayer is put into action at every single facility in our nation where women are wounded and unborn children perish due to abortion. It can be done! And if it can be done for even one day, imagine—with God’s help and guidance—what the future could hold.”
Additional information about 40 Days for Life is available online at https://www.40DaysForLife.com. The audio recording of the nationwide conference call announcing this initiative is posted online at: https://40daysforlife.com/blog/?p=39