Thursday September 2, 2010
40 Days For Life Starting September 22 in Cities across Canada
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
September 2, 2010 ( – Pro-lifers in a record 238 locations in the U.S., Canada, Australia, England, Northern Ireland and Denmark are now preparing for 40 Days for Life campaigns from September 22 to October 31.
This year, nine Canadian cities are gearing up to mobilize people of faith and conscience for the seventh coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign.
These unified efforts have seen more than 350,000 people joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion. The campaigns have resulted in at least 35 abortion workers quitting their jobs and walking away from the abortion industry, six abortion facilities completely shutting down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns, and documented reports of at least 2,811 lives that have been spared from abortion.
In addition to the babies, nearly 3,000 women have been spared from the suffering, trauma and regret that come with the decision to abort one’s child.
The Canadian cities hosting the 40 Days for Life campaign are:
More cities and towns may come on board to host a 40 Days for Life campaign as the start date approaches.
Georges Buscemi of Quebec Life Coalition, which organizes the Montreal 40 Days for Life campaign, recalled the success of the Spring 2010 edition of the 40 Days for Life in Montreal.
“We did it!” Buscemi said. “We prayed and fasted and held vigil outside of the Morgentaler clinic for 40 consecutive days, 12 hours a day, praying for the babies and their mothers and for the society that abandons them to their fate.”
Buscemi said this fall will mark the 4th edition of the Montreal 40 Days for Life, and has invited anyone elsewhere in Quebec who is thinking of organizing a 40 Days in their own town to contact him.
“We’ll be able to help them considerably,” Buscemi said, “with bilingual materials and tips on how to recruit. There’s no reason to hesitate: this is an adventure of a lifetime, and a way to save lives.”
Go to the Campaign Life Coalition website for information on 40 Days for Life campaigns in Canada.
To learn more about the international 40 Days for Life campaign please visit here.