October 2, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hundreds of ministries, churches and organizations have united in prayer and fasting as part of a campaign called “40 Days to Save America.” Lead by Pastor Rick Scarborough, founder of Vision America, the campaign began September 28 and leads up to election day.
The list of participating organizations reads like a who’s-who of the social conservative movement, including groups like the Family Research Council, 40 Days for Life, EWTN, The Call, the American Family Association, and many others.
A mission statement posted on 40 Days to Save America’s website explains that the initiative is non-partisan, simply calling on Christian and Jewish voters, “to make informed choices, voting not as Republicans or Democrats, but as followers of the living God.”
“Though voting is both a civic duty and a Biblical responsibility, which must be approached with solemnity and due deliberation, something else must happen first if we are to see our nation saved,” reads the mission statement. “We must begin by asking God’s forgiveness for our national and individual transgressions, and for His guidance in the task of selecting our leaders at all levels of government and, thus, charting our nation’s future.”
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, who is serving on the Board of Governors for the campaign, encouraged others to join.
“This initiative combines the awareness that our nation is in an unprecedented crisis with the conviction of faith that prayer, fasting, and action can make a difference,” Father Pavone said. “And the fact that it leads up to election day reminds believers that along with being in Church, they need to be in the voting booth.”
The campaign provides prayer and preaching resources for participants. To sign up, or find out more, click here.